
College Tutors has been providing customized one-on-one tutoring for college bound students in Rochester since 2010. Our local, personable, friendly tutors are experts in a wide variety of areas including all levels of math (elementary level through calculus), biology, chemistry, physics, ACT/SAT test prep, and more. Contact us today to find out how we can help your student build confidence, increase their grades/scores, and get ready for their college career.

Our Philosophy

Getting into the right college is no accident.  Our "complete student approach" means that we consider student input, parent input, pre-testing, and prior testing when devising an individualized learning plan.  We emphasize strategies, review content, and pinpoint exactly what each student needs.

Our Tutoring Services

College Tutors offers tutoring services to provide academic support from remedial help to Advanced Placement (AP) courses for students pre-K through 12th grade.  All of our tutoring is one-on-one and customized to each student with their success in mind.  We start with trained tutors or certified teachers and combine them with the required tools to perform excellent tutoring that makes a difference in the classroom and on report cards.  We provide homework help, which has an immediate impact on confidence, grades, test-taking, and general enjoyment of school, as well as study skills that provide the foundation for successful students through their high school and college careers.

Our Process

We meet with each family prior to starting tutoring in order to get to know your student's goals, current knowledge base, and their strengths.  Then, we work tutoring sessions around your busy life.  And, because we know you're busy, we also offer each family access to our website to review work reports submitted by their tutor to learn the work and progress that occurred in each session.  This increases the accountability of the student and sparks opportunity for learning and follow up to continue at home.

College Test Prep Services

Our College Test Prep Program is marked by one-on-one, individually-focused coaching.  Nationally, we have coached thousands of students through ACT, SAT, and PSAT preparation.

Knowing your student's previous ACT or SAT provides a benchmark achievement level upon which your student's knowledge and confidence is built.  We offer a completely free practice ACT or SAT to any student to discover that benchmark.

Our Subjects

Early Childhood Development
Elementary and Middle School
High School
  • Pre-K reading and math
  • School readiness
  • Reading fluency and comprehension
  • Math
  • Writing
  • Spelling
  • Vocabulary
  • Science
  • Homework Help
  • Study Skills
  • Organization
  • Math
  • Science
  • Reading
  • Language
  • Writing
  • General Homework Help
  • Study Skills
  • AP/IB Courses
  • College Entrance exam prep