
Our Tutors

College tutors are great role models, many working hard each day in college, pursuing their own education.  They have scored at or above the 90th percentile on their own ACT or SAT test and have GPAs in their related college coursework of 3.5 or higher.  College Tutors are referenced-checked, background-screened, trained, and are experienced in coaching students in a variety of areas.  We find a tutor that not only has mastery of the subject but also has a unique ability to teach and relate to your student.

Let’s find the right Tutor for your child.

If you are a student or parent/guardian of a student in the Rochester, MN area and are looking for help in either college entrance test prep, homework subject help, or learning support, please fill out the form below and we will contact you within 1-2 business days.

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It’s really simple math: better grades today = better options down the road. Our tutors help your child achieve more and stress a little less.